Fintech in Financial Education for Consumers

Fintech in Financial Education for Consumers

As a leading player in the financial technology (fintech) sector, SmartDev aims to empower both financial service providers as well as their consumers. And really, with all the information out there, finding a roadmap towards financial literacy has simultaneously...
How AI Helps Doctors in Developing Countries

How AI Helps Doctors in Developing Countries

In developing countries, access to adequate healthcare can be a challenge due to various factors. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), doctors in these regions are now able to provide better care to their patients.  AI technologies are...
AI Use Cases in Healthcare

AI Use Cases in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in…well, pretty much everything. Where we are in five years is hard to predict, especially since the last three years alone have witnessed a sea change in AI use, availability, and applications. ...