Launch the software behind the first connected products and build traction with the early adopters

Klima: Fight Climate Change


6 Developers, 5 QAs, 4 Project Managers


Green Energy

Products and Services

iOS app; Android app & backend administration


9 months


United States

The Challenge

BOLDR is an energy efficiency app that allows consumers to benefit from energy savings, home climate automation, and boosted convenience.

BOLDR needs our help to quickly develop a sophisticated minimum viable product that was ready to address the needs of the customers and be ready to scale later on.

BOLDR’s new product, Klima is a plug-and-play device retrofits existing air conditioners and heat pumps, turning them into smart home devices.

BOLDR is on a mission to change the home heating and cooling infrastructure to be fully electric and sustainable.

BOLDR is going after a massive market of 2 billion old air conditioners, improving their efficiency and helping consumers reduce their household carbon footprints, boosting consumer convenience, and empowering them to reduce their energy bills.

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The Solution

SmartDev has partnered with the client to build an IoT system for an Energy Efficiency as a Service Platform that helps consumers reduce energy consumption, automate home climate, and improve convenience. The system includes two mobile applications for both iOS and Android, as well as an MQTT system for IoT messaging. The system is built on a micro-services architecture, which makes it scalable and easy to maintain in the long run.

Technology Stacks









Introduce the Client’s Product

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Offset the carbon emissions you can’t avoid yet, by funding high-quality and certified carbon offset projects.

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Learn how to reduce your emissions by focusing on the lifestyle choices that have the highest carbon impact.

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Multiply your impact by getting more people involved, because nobody can solve climate change alone.

Customer Testimonials

We always had a dedicated team at SmartDev. Every smartdev team member was passionate about our product, both on hardware and software. With such a tight team, everybody becomes mission-driven which leads to a great attention to detail and a willingness to make improvements in the app. It’s these little details and suggestions that made our app stand out and allowed us allowed us to be more competitive.

Klima & Toma

Founder, BOLDR

Thinking of a disruptive product/feature in Green Energy. Come to us!

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